Amasar LLCAmasar LLC is an eco-friendly and sustainable food agribusinesslocated in the fresh highlands of Jayuya. We promote the consumption of Breadfruit (Pana:Artocarpus altilis) a superfruit, now in an innovative way, as fl our blends. Amasar promotesbreadfruit’s great nutritional benefi ts, as well as the development of formal breadfruit (BF)farms. We plant, and harvest BF and buy BF from small farmers and schools throughoutPuerto Rico. and our region.With breadfruit we developed an innovative value-added projectwhere we turn BF into fl our. In our sustainable project we seek to offer nutrition and taste,guaranteeing good agricultural and manufacturing practices to obtain quality, long shelf-life and highly versatile products for everyday cooking, as an alternative to conventionalfl ours. That are great to make pancakes, waffl es, breads and much more. Our products areavailable in various points of sale throughout the country, with presence in mostsupermarket chains and health foods. They are also available on various e-commerceplatforms:, Amazon. Our goal and heart are set on being able to offer andexport to the whole world the concept of "Healthy Food in a Healthy Planet", through ourproducts based on breadfruit! At the same time a greater agricultural production isdeveloped in the country and we contribute to the food security of our island, Puerto Rico, inharmony with our Mother Earth. Our BF Pancake & Waffl e Mix was awarded a SOFI Awardfor the New Breakfast Product of the year, by the Specialty Food Association!!! It is theFIRST Puerto Rican product ever to win this recognition in the International Specialty FoodIndustry. We developed an All-Purpose Breadfruit fl our Mix and a new Protein BreadfruitPancake Mix which are having a lot of interest as well. Amasar is a Gluten-Free certifi edfacility and all our prpoducts are Non-GMO verifi ed, and Kosher Parve. In Amasar we have agreat passion for good food, sustainable agriculture, education and nature.